About Milly
Having completed my acting training at Goldsmiths and Morley college in London I began my professional career with Purple Broccoli Theatre Co. I remained with the company for nearly 10years touring performances on environmental themes to diverse venues including schools, theatres, festivals, museums and parks. All the work was devised and highly visual making creative use of minimal staging and props to enable the team to live up to it's environmental credentials and travel by public transport wherever possible.
I developed not only as an artist but also as a workshop facilitator, project coordinator and fundraiser eventually becoming a director of the company. As such I co-devised, managed and delivered long term educational programmes and performances to schools in Lambeth.
During this time I also honed my skills as a storyteller, writer and composer and went on to create, produce and perform eight full-length shows incorporating storytelling, visual theatre, dance, music, puppetry and art. I specialise in writing and producing theatrical adaptations of folktales, myths and legends and have toured throughout England and Wales. Further training in inclusive theatre and forum theatre have added greatly to my process of devising and creating accessible and relevant performances.
My passion for the natural world has been the primary theme of all my work and more recently I have taken this interest further by studying field ecology, animal communication and plant spirit communication. I am currently developing stories and performances aimed at giving a voice to nature by tapping into it's wisdom and feeding this into the creative process.
I am also a trustee of the charity Coetir Anian/ Cambrian Wildwood. I run activities for adults and children aimed at deepening connection to nature and to our natural selves.